I found a solution!
In daily work it is often necessary to compare different projects or project versions with each other. You can compare projects offline/online or offline/offline.
- In the case of an offline/online comparison one project is online in a CPU and the other project is offline on a data medium.
- In the case of an offline/offline comparison both projects are on a data medium.
To make an offline/offline comparison you must first enable the Reference projects view (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
Now the Reference projects view is available.

Fig. 2
You call the Compare function via the menu.

Fig. 3
Then you can run the comparison between two locally located projects. For this the reference project must also be in the Compare editor offline.

Fig. 4
This screen shows the result of the comparison.
Creation environment
The description and screens in this FAQ response were created with TIA Portal V12.
Additional Keywords
Compare, Comparison of projects