Message from CompactLogix to Micro850 controller via Ethernet

+1 vote
How can I configure a CompactLogix controller to send a message to a Micro850 or Micro820 controller via Ethernet?
asked by djung (370 points)

1 Answer

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  • Create a Cip Data Table Read or a Cip Data Table Write type MSG instruction.
  • Assign the Source and Destination Element on the specified fields.
  • The Source Element is the tag created in the CompactLogix controller, while the Destination Element is the name of variable in the Micro800 that the message is going to. The Destination Element name must be exactly as it is typed in the Micro800 program, and must match the data type of the Source Element. Keep in mind that you can only message to Global Variables in a Micro800 controller (except for system and reserved variables).
  • Assign the IP address of the Micro850 that the message is going to.
  • Note: older CompactLogix will have a communication path of 1,1,2,(IP Address of device), newer CompactLogix controller will have a communication path of 2,(IP Address of device).
  • Global Variables that the MSG instruction will message to.
  • Trigger the MSG instruction in CompactLogix. If successful, the MSG instruction's DN bit should energize.
answered by admin (870 points)